Saturday, July 11, 2009

Washday on the Kafue - oils -450cm x 550cm

This painting is of the Kafue river in Zambia and is just a few meters beyond the rapids . The local woman in the background have found a reasonably safe place amongst the rocks to do their washing where it wont be easy for a crocodile to ambush them

Crossing the Kafue - Oils - 40cm x 50 cm

The Kafue River in Zambia is a tributary of the Zambezi and is one of Africa's most beautiful rivers. The local woman in the background will find the safest place to collect their water or do their washing
and since crocodiles and hippo's avoid rapids this area has plenty of safe places . The rapids in this spot are caused by numerous small islands and these islands also make it possible to make a series of short makshift bridges to cross by . Sometimes a long plank will do. In this painting the ladies and their children are crossing the river on their way home after a long day washing cloths and collecting water to carry home